• New Post-Processing Blog
For all you Photoshop noobs out there, UK newspaper photographer and Strobist reader Michelle Jones has started a blog on various post-processes. She has some QuickTime movies tutorials and such, too. Pretty neat.As if that isn't enough, she has started a forum for off-camera flash folks, so check it out if you are so inclined.
(What the heck - what's one more website to check in the mornings...)
This is not a replacement for the Strobist Flickr Group discussion threads, mind you. Just something Michelle is starting up to help to spread the word.
It's a good thing. The more, the merrier.
• Mr. 3,000Speaking of the Flickr group, someone will soon be the 3,000th member.
You'll know you are the lucky one if you sign up and blue flashing lights start going off in your house, confetti drops from your ceiling and scantily clad supermodels with lavish prizes immediately show up at your door.
If these things do not happen to you, most likely someone else was 3,000th. Please be gracious and wish them well.
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