Okay, not exactly.
They are still full of mispronunciations and numerous grammatical errors, so as to remain true to the website. But at least they are now available reasonably in the UK and EU. If you drive on the left side of the road and think football is played with your feet, keep reading.
__________The Flash Centre, seen here propping up reader Richard Licence, is now carrying the set and will be shipping to UK and EU without your having to give up your firstborn kid. That means no extended waits, usurious duties or made-up UPS fees.
The price is £102.35 incl Vat (£89.00 exc Vat). Shipping to UK/EU will be £6.60 and £9, respectively. EU is three day delivery, UK is next day. After my experiences with the wonderful, deep-discount city you call "London," we worked the system to get pricing parity between the US and the UK. This may be a first in the history of the world.
It comes in at a little less before VAT and a little more after, and almost dead even when you add in the standard sales tax here in the US. Don't tell McDonalds we were able to do this, or they are gonna be pissed off.
They will be in stock as of Weds., January 14th. You can order in UK/EU from the web here. Or better yet, hit the TFC London store in person just to give Alex Ray a hard time about anything you want. (Tell him I said it was okay.)
More info on the DVDs is here, including how to best get them if you are not in the UK/EU area. And please remember that the camera adds 10 30 pounds.
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