UNIT 11. Principle of Object Oriented Programming
2. Software evaluation
3. Oop paradigm
4. Basic concept of Oop
5. Benefits of Oop
6. Application of OopUNIT 21. Introduction to C++
2. Tokens3. Keywords4. Identifiers
5. Constants
6. Operators
7. Manipulators
8. Expressions and control structure
9. Pointers
11.Function prototyping
12.Parameters passing in functions
13.Values Return by functions
14.Inline functions – friend and virtual functionsUNIT 31. Classes, objects, constructors and destructors
2. Operator overloading
3. Type conversions
4. Type of constructors
5. Function over loadingUNIT 41. Inheritance
2. Type of inheritance
3. Function
4. Polymorphism
5. Constructors in heritance
6.Mapping console I\O operationsUNIT 51. Files – File stream – File operators
2. File pointer
3. Error handling during file operations4. Command line arguments
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