Friday, November 10, 2006


OK. First of all, sadly TGIF does not mean jack to me, as I work on Saturdays.

But in the fall, Saturday means college football, and I will be shooting the Maryland vs Miami game. So I am not complaining. At least until 2nd quarter, when the daylight goes away.

But Friday also means reader photo spotlight on Strobist, and today's Picture of the Week was shot on assignment by Patrick Smith, who is a student photographer for Towson University's paper, The Towerlight.

Take a look at Patrick's photos (scroll past the election pix) and tell me if you would not be happy to be getting sports features like this from your PJ student photographer if you were the Towerlight's editor.

Why, yes. You would be happy.

Patrick is cranking some serious sports portraits for a college puke. He is way ahead of much of his student competition, for whom lighting means only studios, big flashes and lots of unanswered questions.

If I could impress just one thing on all of you college PJ students out there, it would be to distance yourself from the rest of the young herd by learning this stuff ASAP. You have so many years to just get better and better at it.

And as for the overall quality and quantity of the pool photos this week: Wow.

This is what I'm talkin' about.

You guys rock.


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