Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Bits and Pieces: Jan 3, 2007

• From the Flickr Strobist threads: Broncolor (the flash manufacturer) has a cool website that 'splains a lot about light and even lets you do apples-to-apples comparisons of different light modifiers. There's a lot of good stuff there, if you click around some.

• The little brown image ad on the sidebar is a month-long link exchange I am doing with the very surfworthy site, The Online Photographer.

We decided to introduce our readers to each other. The banner links to Mike Johnston's for-sale prints, but don't miss his blog, either. One of the best photo sites on the 'net.

Edit: Be advised that the T-O-P site has a small, (approx 1"x1") ad on the left sidebar that would not be considered work safe. Unless you work, say, in a topless bar. Just a heads-up.

• Pre-think this one along with me: Tomorrow my assignment is to do a series of macro shots of common snack foods. What would you do? How would you light it?

Do a little head-scratching, and compare your ideas to what I come up with for comparison. I will use only SB's, and will post my shots later as an On Assignment.


EDIT: FWIW, I am not looking for ideas - I already have a few of those and will probably call a few audibles in the studio. It's more of an exercise in parallel thinking - of even shooting, if you like - to compare and contrast the final shots.

As an FYI on the technique, the closest thing I have to what I am gonna be doing is probably John Dohrn's cool bug shots.

But hopefully, my subjects will be a tad more appetizing...



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