UPDATE: The October 27 Paris seminar is sold out. Full details for the event are after the jump.
Venue and ScheduleWe will be meeting at the Hotel Sofitel Baltimore - Paris (hotel info | map).
We'll check in at 0900, and get started at 0930. The morning will be for lighting theory, then we'll break for lunch. During the afternoon we'll be in demonstration mode, playing with lighting setups and discussing the results.
We'll go until approximately 1700 hours (5:00 p.m.) at which point they'll kick us out. So we'll move to a nearby watering hole and keep a less formal (and more liquid) discussion going for those who are interested.
Logistics and Details
The price is €159, payable via PayPal at the link below. If you experience an unavoidable change in plans, full refunds will be issued until October 18th, after which 50% refunds will be available until October 24th. After that time, you will be responsible for transferring your seat to another attendee.
For my part, I have every expectation of being there. The airline tickets are purchased, the meeting room is booked and paid for, as is my apartment in Paris. If something happens that is beyond my control (plane crash, heart attack, abducted by aliens, etc.) full refunds will be issued, and limited to the actual ticket price.
There will be a Flickr thread posted shortly for questions and/or discussion. (UPDATE: It is here.) Of particular interest are the local lunch choices. So if you are based in the City of Light, (gotta love that nickname in this context) we'd love to have your input on local food. I'll be checking out the immediate area during the week before, and will post what I find out.
We are right next to a Metro station (Boissière) which should make transportation relatively easy.
Very important: The seminar will be in English. I will make every effort to be as understandable as possible, but trust me when I say that you do not want me trying my French out on you. (It's pretty bad.)
Also, there will be no waiting list on this one, as managing it would be very difficult from the road during the week before the seminar.
And finally, I am very much looking forward to being in Paris next month. And especially to getting to hang out with you guys and talk about some cool light. We're gonna have fun.
Important: Please save your emailed receipt from PayPal as that will help us more quickly check you in on the morning of the seminar.
(The Paris Seminar is sold out.)
:: QnA/Planning/Discussion Thread ::
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